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立心 明理 好学 笃行

凝心聚力 争创一流


报告人:Xiao Pan Ding Ph.D. 丁晓攀 博士                    地点:腾讯会议:239-342-016                     时间:星期五(2022年4月15日)下午15:00-17:00

报告题目:Learning to "deceive" has social and cognitive benefits

主讲人:Xiao Pan Ding Ph.D. 丁晓攀 博士



主持人:王福兴 教授


Dr Xiao Pan Ding has been an Assistant Professor at the Department of Psychology at the National University of Singapore since 2016. She directs NUS Child Development Lab (www.nuschildlab.com). Her research interest is children’s moral and cognitive behavior, specifically children’s honest and dishonest behavior. She uses both behavioural and neuroimaging methods to explore the cognitive and neural correlates underlying children’s deceptive behaviour.



Deception is a pervasive behavior among young children because it often serves adaptive, albeit sometimes immoral functions. In this talk, I will introduce my recent studies about how young children learn to deceive and its social and cognitive benefits. The first study examined how the ability to deceive emerges in early childhood via a 10-session microgenetic method. The second study examined whether learning to deceive in early childhood promoted more advanced theory of mind and executive function skills. The third study examined whether learning to deceive can help young children to improve their selective trust. The three studies highlight the role of learning to deceive in children’ s social and cognitive development.